Thread Subject Author Latest Post Posts Views
Advice please: generative Eurorack by 18 2585
because, in the end, you should have bought a computer by 1 341
FX modular by 1 46
Processing Vocals with Eurorack (Perfect Circuit: 08/05/2021) by 1 89
1st rack setup by 6 212
Drumbrute vs Erica Synths LXR-2 by 1 26
19" 3u into eurorack case by 4 106
My Doepfer Case by 2 100
Electroacoustic Station 2 by 12 314
Evil Thing by 1 56
dream voicing rig? by 12 215
Sample Based Eurorack by 15 435
Your favorite trig/gate/clock modifiers? by 14 434
Need Help with my I/O Flux Drum Setup by 2 30
Need Help with my I/O Flux setup 0 31
Feedback on almost full case by 6 137
ideas by 3 40
Mutable Music Weasel. by 8 212
ideas 0 16
mobdividual Pandemic Pedals by 1 141
mobdividuals pedals - all by 1 231
drum case to hell and back by 3 106
Beginner Subharmonicon / Sampler Build by 10 250
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. by 9 232
Help me arrange my rack, please. by 5 245
if you should build a Eurorack version of NI Ashlight??? by 1 35
re organization advice by 5 52
Ways to improve/fill out my first eurorack system by 3 72
606 Clones? 0 13
DOEPFER A-100 6U84HP (CURRENT GOAL) v2 by 1 38
BehringerToGo by 1 125
My 40 HP Holiday Eurorack by 12 295
Consolidating 2 cases into 1. Need suggestions on layout/signal-flow sanity 0 117
Looking for some advice by 13 321
Wanting to make generative modular techno. by 9 333
64HP and a backpack by 13 662
Would this rack work? by 8 266
K2 MS20 Interface Rack by 2 48
GalaxiesMerge Eurorack-2 by 2 45
Modulator Rack by 1 37
416HP (2 Tiptop Mantis) v2 by 1 3607
Mod (mostly) skiff by 4 96
Maybe in 20 years by 1 89
Do I need maths? by 19 1406
Electroacoustic Station 1 by 1 66
Weather Man Stormy Weather Drone System by 1 37
RackBrute plan by 10 156
My 2nd self made Rack by 1 47
Potz an pure intellijel machine. Opinions? by 8 325
Not Maths (copied from michaelh) by 1 92
Live Case with Octatrack by 5 207
Low cost modular - under $400? 0 16
Dreamrack by 4 179
Minibrute 2s & Rack Brute 6u Expansion (beginner feedback request) by 6 96
Instruo 84 by 5 161
I will build my first modular rack. In the learning process.... 624HP (3 cases) 19U by 15 8438
New to modular, advice on my first rack, signal flow by 8 188
Live Rack for Techno by 35 770
TrekRackđź–– by 2 83
Portable melodic techno and ambient set up by 13 440
My first modular synth for Max/MSP by 10 216
Eurorack for Shamisen and Touch experimentation by 4 106
Feedback on change by 6 108
that's my project... by 5 92
My first modular plunge (beginner seeking feedback) by 3 119
First Expansion Rack by 2 77
What do you think about my first modular? by 5 246
3U Lead Rack by 5 184
First Rack: Next Module Advice by 2 99
Make noise 7U Stereo VoxBox by 9 154
Connecting one pair of monitors simultaneous to two mixers, is that all right? by 11 111
Eurorack Case 3u+1u or 6u? DIY or buy? by 5 182
WW 2.2.1 black by 1 47
Rate the rack and give me some advise on placement? ~Monster system!! by 20 316
Nifty Expansion - Try 2 - Need Opinions - still a Newbie by 7 184
What makes sense to acquire next by 4 112
Filter decision by 7 202
Hypothetical Rack by 18 523
Percussion sample generating rack by 5 88
Beginner needs suggestions by 4 81
Beginner need helps! by 28 736
Capt’n Big-O & Phil Ter Start (Beginner seeking feedback) by 7 132
210718 - Sequencer Heaven - Heading to Texas by 2 59
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist (Variation on output and vca(s)) by 11 290
Rack suggestions by 21 164
Feedback on rack by 7 202
It took years to perfect my rack and now it's final by 19 1141
Does this rack make sense? 0 42
Plans by 5 152
My prescribed Eurorack by 2 133
Where I am...Where I'm path forward by 2 100
Jumped from a 12u 126hp MDLR case to a 15 u 197hp ADDAC case and a bit overwhelmed. by 5 219
First Rack for Minibrute 2s by 9 225
Mutable Instruments/Make Noise rack by 8 188
NiftDRUM by 2 110
Thoughts on this techno-centered performance system? by 9 233
Opinions welcome... by 10 769
My first Modular - pls help by 15 527
Rack suggestions by 1 103