Thread Subject Author Latest Post Posts Views
Looking for feedback on 252 HP rack by 4 115
ZADAR or KERMIT for break sampler by 5 276
My rack (copy) by 4 323
Help in a small Beginner synth setup by 10 444
Need Guidance by 6 201
FS 0 19
used parts by 5 179
Generative Ambient Rack by 13 751
Where can I request a new rack theme? by 3 80
Starter kit by 36 906
Purchases by 1 100
Knob turning rack by 2 147
Second revision of first rack by 2 68
Small modular synth / first proper eurorack 5 280
Beginner's guitar processing rack, hopes of generative by 5 201
84 hp diy case by 7 223
My own commemorative Mutable Instruments Rack by 4 170
My own commemorative Mutable Instruments Rack 0 14
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? by 13 560
First Rack by 5 193
Looking for mixer recommendations to squeeze into one of my last 8hp slots by 11 187
Rearranged Looper by 1 122
My rack, but drilled on the side by 2 56
"Mutable's End - Rack Feedback, Please 0 13
208HP rack for performance... by 5 174
COQ 6U 84 HP (March 2022) (copy) 0 21
Mixer comparison by 9 218
What am I missing? by 5 94
Thoughts? by 6 150
NiftyKEYZ SIDlicious by 1 93
NiftyKEYZ Raspy by 1 513
NiftyKEYZ Doritos Vocos by 1 149
NiftyKEYZ Swarm by 1 107
Utility Eurorack by 7 154
a better layout by 21 464
First Rack. New to Music and Eurorack. (Total newb) by 4 176
Roast my Rack!! - Looking for advice by 16 364
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- by 10 357
My maybe by 5 109
44 x 4 lunchbox brutal operating system by 3 68
Looking for ideas on what i should add to my rack by 9 203
bloody beginner in need of good advice by 7 260
Beginner Drum Rack 15 377
Stylobyte by 1 225
The Rainbow Machine by 1 59
220427 as is by 1 51
Ideas Machine V4 - MCFx2 Filter 1.2 by 3 140
First time doing €rack, designed a relatively low-cost Filter Vault [104HP], advice bef... this user has left ModularGrid by 6 97
Ideas Machine, Alternative Package 1.5.0 by 9 189
First Foray into Modular -- Flexible Drone Box by 3 103
[Real] 104HP 6U CaseFromLake (copy #1 - after guitarist ruck is done stealing) by 1 61
[Project] Rack for experimental effects for guitarist by 1 76
Current setup: Frap Tools - Drums, Bass & Morph - Audio & CV Processing by 3 91
Help With module 0 18
How do you post a picture of a rack? by 3 107
Mutable Music Weasel V3 by 5 104
Elin Piel by 3 249
Ambient Rack by 13 573
Traditional rackmount rails vs. z-rails by 7 100
Generative Rack by 10 336
Haliburton Dream by 1 41
ALM 52HP 6U : Patches O'Houlihan System by 3 172
Rackbrute 6U wobble by 11 239
Yet another newbie looking for feedback by 7 359
Actual on 1st 2 rows and possible on top by 1 112
Expanding 2x Roland System-500 system by 1 32
STUGOTS - Designed, purchased and built - pictures attached. 0 91
My first rack any ideas for modules would be appreciated by 5 179
The Sequencing Machine by 10 340
Live Essentials with NYX 2 by 1 37
Thoughts on my first rack? by 10 225
My wish list Eurorack by 5 289
Le vrai by 7 189
My Eurorack (copy) (copy) by 2 158
First confident rack idea, open to any criticism as I'm still learning. :-) by 16 482
Experienced software modular user planning the jump to hardware. Need feedback. by 12 281
My Video Eurorack by 2 122
yanny by 1 105
Moog Mothership by 6 207
Rackbrutes Galore... by 5 234
Pedalboar SpaceShip 60XL by 1 137
Test Pedalboard by 1 36
Two months of GAS, 18u x 84hp full. Seeking advice. by 7 415
Newbie Question: current setup & power consumption by 7 186
Seeking feedback for a 9u semi-generative system - second try by 7 330
ALM / Buchla 'groovebox' thing by 1 94
ssg output lower than dusg this user has left ModularGrid 0 16
My current setup - looking for feedback and suggestions for the last 13 hp. by 7 206
First Modular - Any Red Flags or Ideas? by 8 215
MODSEA031322 by 1 73
My Matriarch Companion by 1 110
Plan for my rack.. by 5 196
RECVLVM 2022 by 1 63
TipTop Mantis by 4 182
latest config 3/5/22 by 5 100
Melivora by 12 537
My 104HP thus far. Only 11HP left. Ideas... by 7 290
Melivora Live Techno case 2.0 1 84
new to modular, any thoughts? 5 156