News from the Labs all of them

Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
Here it is: the Little Modular review of Contour 1! 
Error Instruments cloud busting Albino
8 Sep 2019 Error Instruments
new in the shop ALBINO !! Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds .  
AI Synthesis AI008 Eurorack Matrix Mixer
6 Sep 2019 AI Synthesis
The AI008 Matrix Mixer is out now! At only 10 HP and a skiff friendly depth of 35mm, this 4 in, 3 out matrix mixer with a summed output is a profoundly affordable matrix mixer with unlimited potential to expand your system. 
5 Sep 2019 WMD
WMD DESIGN UPDATE: A quick update on our newest module prototypes, Crater an analog/digital hybrid kick drum and Voltera, a 4 track voltage expander for the METRON sequencer. 
Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain
The Mutant Brain MIDI to CV + Gate is back, in black! Restocked around the world next week, 09-13 September. 
28 Aug 2019 Paratek
Hey guys, new modules added! :) And by the way - "РЗРВ" finally on sale! 
Dovemans Serving Bugs
28 Aug 2019 Dovemans
Read all about are current project and sign up for the Serving Bugs waitinglist!  
Noise Engineering Seca Ruina
23 Aug 2019 Noise Engineering
Distortion is fun, but it’s even better when you split it up across the frequency spectrum. Seca Ruina takes an input, splits it up into three frequency bands, and lets you drive them into annihilation. SR includes a bypassable VCA on the output and CV over individual band and universal drive amount. With individual outputs for each band, you can process each band further externally. So much potential in only 6hp, and it's available now! 
22 Aug 2019 WMD
AXYS dual stereo crossfader is shipping to dealers now! Add dry/wet to any effect, stereo to mono and mono to stereo conversions, dual VCA, DJ between systems or patches. Check it out! 
Transient Modules u3A
15 Aug 2019 Transient Modules


NEW!! u3A and u2X, two utilities for 1U row Intellijel cases! Both of them will be available as DIY kits! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
Is it a slew limiter? Envelope generator? Envelope follower? Oscillator? Whatever it is, Contour 1 is here! Now in stock (or very soon) at your friendly neighbourhood Eurorack dealer. Once again, DivKid is here to teach you some of Contour 1's tricks in an extensive YouTube overview video: 
Mazzatron SINE-256 LFO
10 Aug 2019 Mazzatron
Introducing the SINE-256 LFO! A brand new release available at! This unique LFO is clock-controlled, giving it the ability to produce a super low frequency sinewave cycle that can last minutes or even hours! Check it out! 
Error Instruments TOMO White
27 Jul 2019 Error Instruments
-TOMO- blank 12hp Touch interface cv / gate Controller . Experimental audio source , One audio out / One control voltage out / And one input for audio or control voltage . You can use it external with alligator clips to mount on different things Touch to your hands Do you have a different Resistance . see demo 
Noise Engineering Quant Gemi
22 Jul 2019 Noise Engineering
Quant Gemi is a four-channel octave switch. Each channel can offset a sequence 0, +1, or +2 octaves with the flick of a switch. The inputs are also normalled so it can act as a buffered mult, and the copies can be transposed separately too. QG is out now! 
Noise Engineering Quantus Pax
22 Jul 2019 Noise Engineering
Quantus Pax is a four-channel precision adder. Each channel has two inputs, with the upper inputs normalled to the lower channels so it can act as a buffered mult. There are also three universal transpose inputs so multiple sequences can be added to and transposed at once. QP is available now! 
Noise Engineering Vox Digitalis
22 Jul 2019 Noise Engineering
Vox Digitalis is a 4hp 1-16 step pitch sequencer with a quick-to-learn, quick-to-program interface, flexible playback, and 16 pattern save slots. It’s also available for order now, so order yours today and add it to your MG rack while you wait! 
16 Jul 2019 WMD
WMD METRON FIRMWARE UPDATE 1.2 is up now! Download at Changes include: -"Quick Gates" now work in single track view. -Fx Fill ROLL now exits properly when leaving the mode. -LED Brightness Setting: Low, Med, Hi (accessible in Global Menu) -Settings initialization confirmation. -Jitter reduction and minor timing improvments. -PPQN Modes: 4PPQN, 8PPQN, 12PPQN, 24PPQN (accessible in Global Menu)  
Reverse Landfill Pentamix
15 Jul 2019 Reverse Landfill
a 5 channel mixer with 3 outputs for easy feedback routing. black panel with 555 pentagram  
Cosmotronic Delta-V (rev 1)
10 Jul 2019 Cosmotronic
A Dual Function Generator with built in VCA's, all in only 10 HP. Each channel has CV over attack and decay, a cycle mode and an output attenuverter. Now available at selected retailers!  
VOID Modular Sirius' Veil
6 Jul 2019 VOID Modular
Sirius' Veil is a stereo state variable filter with interesting features. Filter states for the left and right channels are manually selectable or selectable via a gate. Master Freq and CV, Manual & CV offset for each channel, CV resonance for each channel. Stereo VCA on the output. Super Awesome! 
Sfeo Multi-A
2 Jul 2019 Sfeo
2 Jul 2019 Sfeo
2 Jul 2019 Sfeo
Available modules : MixR /Multi-A/Swinvat  
Error Instruments Tomo
1 Jul 2019 Error Instruments
-TOMO- 12hp Touch interface cv / gate Controller . Experimental audio source , One audio out / One control voltage out / And one input for audio or control voltage . You can use it external with alligator clips to mount on different things Touch to your hands Do you have a different Resistance . see demo 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
While primarily known for do-it-yourself videos, the Synth DiY Guy presents his first in-depth video on an assembled module... The ModularGrid top-rated Filter 8!