2 U
Current Draw
80 mA +15V
90 mA -15V
0 mA 5V
$545 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

FSFX 115: Teezer Thru-Zero VCO

Analog Thru-Zero VCO designed by Ian Fritz
1V/Oct Scaling
dotcom Power Header
Multi-turn Pot for 'Frequency'
Multi-turn Pot for 'Initial Frequency'
Sync Input with Variable Sync Depth
Simultaneous Sine, Triangle, and Sawtooth/Ramp Outputs
1V/Oct CV Input
External CV of Linear Frequency Modulation and Exponential Frequency Modulation
AC / DC Switch for Linear FM Input
Level Controls for Linear FM and Exponential FM
1% Metal Film Resistors
1/4" Switchcraft Jacks


submitted Mar 8th 2016, 14:14 by freestatefx | last Change Jul 11th 2018, 17:25 by freestatefx

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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?