4 U
58 mm deep

CP format

Current Draw
15 mA +15V
15 mA -15V
0 mA 5V
$414 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Mixer + CV-switches

The SWCP3H-Switch has the same functionality like SW CP3 but in addition it containes routing switches for 4 external CV´s to the above Oscillator Bank like on the SW 3P-2020.

The four channel mixer is useful for combining several signals to form a single output. Audio signals from up to four different sources can be varied in relative volume before processing the mix through filters or amplifiers for a final result. Control voltages can be mixed, attenuated and phase inverted before being introduced into a voltage controlled module. In addition, the CP3 mixer can be used for phase cancellation of complex sounds, e.g. if two or more signals with similar frequency content are combined at opposite phase relationships and for feedback where the output of the mixer is sent directly back to an input of the CP3 mixer.


Input Impedance:
25k ohm
Output Impedance:
600 ohm
x2 maximum
S/N Ratios:

60 dB
positive and negative outputs
Power Requirements:
+/-15 Volt at +/- 30 mA


submitted Apr 25th 2020, 14:17 by robinkle | last Change Apr 25th 2020, 15:05 by robinkle