3 U
155 mm deep
Current Draw
41 mA +15V
44 mA -15V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

PAiA 9720 Dual VCO / Modulator - MU Retrofit

Classic PAiA 9720 VCO Module Retrofitted for MU Format

This is the PAiA 9720 repanelled from traditional FRAC format to MU.

1/8" jacks have all been replaced with 1/4" jacks and mini-knobs have been replaced with 1" skirted knobs. Like the original version several connections are normalled including the the 1V/Oct port from oscillator #1 through the Glide circuit with oscillator 2. The modulator output is normalled to the pulse width of oscillator 2.

The board has also been modified slightly to accept input from a +/-15V Power Supply.

Modification done by Lower West Side Studio in Ontario, Canada

submitted Mar 19th 2016, 11:21 by Flareless | last Change Dec 8th 2020, 01:26 by Flareless
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