1 U
64 mm deep
Current Draw
0 mA +15V
0 mA -15V
? mA 5V
$250 Price in €

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Separate gate outputs from Synthesizers DOTCOM Q119 sequencer

Have you always needed to get separate gate outputs from your Synthesizers DOTCOM Q119 sequencer? Now you can!

The SSL 1619 exactly follows the Q119 by providing individual gate outputs per stage. It follows in all modes – 1 x 24 and 3 x 8; in normal or even random modes. In addition, a red LED shows the active output(s).

By setting a jumper on the rear, you can set the 1619 to follow the Q119’s GATE WIDTH, or to simply follow the full gate width. It’s up to you.

The 1619 is connected to the Q119’s 20 pin ribbon connector by way of a 18″ ribbon cable (included) so you can mount the 1619 on either side of your Q119. Power is conveniently drawn from the Q119. It’s simple plug and play!


submitted Aug 21st 2019, 14:33 by dslocum

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Perfect CircuitSynthcubeNoisebug

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?