2 HP
42 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
6 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$99 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Voltage Controlled Low Frequency Oscillator

LFO is a voltage controlled low frequency oscillator. 8 waveforms are available with smooth morphing between each, allowing for complex and unique patterns. 

In addition to sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square waveforms on the primary output, four alternate waveforms are accessible simultaneously via the secondary waveform output. The alternate waveforms have been designed with modulation in mind and provide an innovative voltage source to use on filters, oscillators, and everything else. 

Animate your modulations with LFO.

-Wide frequency range: 30 second cycle to audio rate
-2 Simultaneous outputs
-Smoothly blends between waveforms
-Reset input for syncing to clock source
-Skiff friendly


Ø 4.38 (8 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 27th 2018, 17:57 by twohp | last Change Feb 21st 2019, 22:36 by twohp

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ControlDetroit ModularControl VoltagePerfect CircuitNoisebugThree Wave Music


Nightlife ElectronicsRhythmiqx


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?