Module is available as a DIY project only.
This Module is currently available.
Tracking Gate Sequencer
The hardware is a stock model RCD. The firmware works like a A-161 with on-board clock and reset. A jumper selects Gate or Trigger outputs.
The Track CV jack. allows you to move between outputs using a CV value like on the A-152. It's a CV addressable Gate.
If you feed it a triangle wave, it will count up from jack 1 to 8 and then back from 8 counting down to 1. A falling sawtooth will count backwards only. A square wave will bounce between two values... etc.
You can still clock it while it's tracking, as it will only track when it the CV value changes enough to kick it to a new output jack. This is pretty useful for a "one step forward, two steps back" type sequence using a slowly falling CV and a slightly faster clock pulse.
Programmer dp/1135517
On OSX 10.6 you can use AVRFuses:
You need to install this
it contains avrdude, which is the command-line utility that does the actual programming (AVRFuses is just a front-end). You have to point AVRFuses to the avrdude file in the AVRFuses preferences
They run fine on 10.6.4
Here's the TGS hex file:
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?