12 HP
55 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
150 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$499 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

ADDAC802 Quintet Mixing Console (black)

Update to the old ADDAC802 Audio Mixer

2 independent mixing channels, Solo and Mix
Mix Output includes a 6th VCA with Pre and Post outputs

5 independent VCA's with:
Independent outputs
Linear or logarithmic control
Solo/Off/Mix switch that routes their audio to the Solo Channel or the Mix channel. In Off position the VCA does not go to the outputs. This way you can use all 5 VCA's separately for different sources (audio or cv) or mix in 2 different chains.
The Solo line is also intended for Pre Listening purposes, using this output to connect your headphones through some headphone amplifier module.

External input into the Mix channel for daisy chaining.


Ø 4.67 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 18th 2013, 17:53 by spitznagl | last Change Nov 21st 2020, 22:14 by Flieher

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