24 HP
Current Draw
190 mA +12V
170 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$275 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Standard 4x4 matrix mixer with modulation sources

Keanu is a partnership with Tim Held and Podular Modcast. At its core, Keanu is a standard 4x4 matrix mixer and VCAs on each output and switch to choose between unipolar or bipolar controls. We have also added modulation sources normalled into each channel. So you get some great modulation variety, but can also mix in your external sources.

Channels 1 & 2 CVs are clockable looping function generators with controls for rise/fall lengths, and equipped with end of rise/fall trigger outputs.

Channels 3 & 4 are each a "meandering" voltage source, created by 3 LFOs that are all at different frequencies. There are 3 CV inputs (total) to control their individual rates. You can also add slew to each channel individually to change the oscillators from square to triangle, and this slew also applies to external voltages sent into their channel.


submitted Nov 22nd 2024, 17:04 by burdickjp

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ControlPerfect CircuitDetroit Modular


Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?