6 HP
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
8 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$211 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

912 Envelope Follower

Envelope Follower

The Envelope Follower produces two functions which can be used separately or in conjunction. The follower circuit Signal Input presents a control voltage output (DC) proportional to the average amplitude of the AC input signal. The second function, a Schmitt trigger, generates a V-trigger above a threshold voltage (comparator), when a slowly varying or DC voltage is introduced at the control input jack. The normalling of the control input of the follower circuit to the control input of the Schmitt trigger circuit allows both control voltage and trigger to be generated from a single variable source.


submitted Nov 29th 2020, 14:54 by

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Detroit ModularPerfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?