6 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
36 mA +12V
38 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$255 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Glide + Noise mk2 Dark Edition

Glide + Noise mk2 Dark Edition

Changes implemented on the new Glide Noise Mk2

The original MiniMod Glide +Noise module was based exactly on the original Minimoog Model D circuitry, which was designed to be used with the built in Model D keyboard, and because of its vintage design its range was severely limited to 5 or 6 octaves, and it also responded to positive voltages only. A further limitation was that it would not return fully to zero when selecting long glide times, which restricted the range even more.

So we made the decision to re-designed the MiniMod Glide + Noise using modern precision parts, and we have come up with an all new circuit which has exactly the same function, but with a hugely extended range. It now has an impressive 14 octave range, and can respond to negative voltages down to -5V. This is a very useful feature, as our MiniMod VCO’s will respond to negative control voltages and produce correspondingly low frequencies; so it is now possible to glide down quickly or slowly to crazy sub bass levels! The hold feature has been improved too, it covers the full audio range as well as DC control voltages, and works as a track and hold module with Eurorack signal levels.

A further enhancement is that the Mk2 module can now (using selectable jumpers) transmit or receive pitch CV to the Eurorack power bus; for example the Glide CV Output can now be directed to the Bus in order to send CV’s to (for example) three VCO's via the bus without the need for a passive multi and four patch cords!

The Noise section of the module is unchanged, except that we have slightly boosted the level of the Red Noise output to bring it more in line with Eurorack control voltage levels.

Lastly, it is much shallower - Mk1 Glide Noise had a depth of 54mm, and it was the only MiniMod module that was too deep to fit a skiff style case – and this prevented a full MiniMod system being installed into a shallow Eurorack case. The new MK2 version is only 28mm deep, so this allows both it and a full MiniMod system to be mounted into shallow skiff style Eurorack cases


submitted Jul 12th 2020, 12:58 by rama1065 | last Change Jul 21st 2020, 10:26 by wiggler81929

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