18 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
90 mA +12V
85 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$469 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

12 Stage Multi Tap Stereo Phaser

A beautiful sounding and versatile next generation analogue phaser, with many added features which combine to take all pass phase shifting to a completely new level. The circuit design is based on the critically acclaimed vintage "Small Stone" phaser, expanded from 4 to 12 stages. We have fitted a unique multi tap switching system which allows stages to be individually selected for both the Output and Emphasis return path, allowing a huge variety of phasing sounds.

Features include two inputs with independent Level Controls, and a Phase “Colour” Control, along with a "Wet" output. We have included CV inputs for voltage control of both Phasing Depth and Emphasis (Resonance) levels, so that these can be fully controlled from other Eurorack modules or external voltage sources. It can be used in Mono IN, Mono Out mode or Mono IN, Stereo OUT modes, with the stereo outputs taken from the Stage and Emphasis paths.

In addition to a manual Frequency control it includes two separate Frequency CV inputs; FCV1 and FCV 2 with an attenuverter. An inbuilt, wide ranging LFO is normalised to FCV 1 input, and an LFO output jack allows the internal LFO to be used as a modulation source for other Eurorack modules.


submitted Aug 15th 2019, 14:15 by cds | last Change Aug 24th 2019, 14:50 by cds

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?