14 HP
95 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$227 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

AM8060SE JP6 Multi-Mode VCF

AM8060SE JP6 Multi-Mode VCF

This module is a replica of the Roland Jupiter 6 voltage controlled filter which comprises two 2-pole State Variable filters in series. The analog polysynth Jupiter 6 was launched in 1983 with 6 voices that used CEM3340 VCO’s . The AM8060 contains the same two SVF’s, with each of the 2-pole filters switchable into either Low Pass or High Pass mode providing three VCF modes (all with variable resonance but without self oscillation):

24dB Low Pass Filter
24dB High Pass Filter
12dB Band Pass Filter

The filter has a more aggressive sound than a simple 4-pole OTA based filter as used in the Jupiter 8, along with a lot more flexibility in sounds. The AM8060 JP6 VCF EuroRack module was launched in late 2010 and immediately gained positive feedback from customers and in 2014 we revised the design with resonance control circuit improvements and in total 30 modules were manufactured. A small number of modules used original JP6 buttons and SSM2164 chips, and in 2019 the module was redesigned with SSI2164 chips and skiff friendly 35mm depth.


submitted Oct 2nd 2015, 14:33 by trtrtr | last Change Jan 11th 2019, 19:47 by amsynths

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