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CV to MIDI Converter
Unlike a MIDI/CV converter that converts MIDI data into control voltages, a CV-to-MIDI converter goes the other way: it is capable to generate MIDI messages from CV signals!
The RS300 offers eigth fee programmable CV inputs that can produce note numbers or controllers. Note on/off commands, control changes and the generation of MIDI Clock is possible as well. Operation is pretty easy due to a big display and the unit even has memory.
Eight CV inputs are available, some of which have special features. All inputs have in common that you can generate an aftertouch command, a pitch bend or a controller from #0-#127. For each input you can set a voltage scale matching your input CV: (-10V to +10V; -5V to +5V; 0V to +10V and 0V to +5V).
CV inputs 1 and 2 have special functions in addition:
The Trigger/Switch input is complex, as it can generate percussion notes at a fixed MIDI note (handy for drums), sends Program Changes, Pedal commands like sustain, sostenuto, legato etc. and it can even generate a MIDI Clock from a stream of pulses!
All settings can be saved as the RS300 has 40 memories which can be named.
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?