6 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
35 mA +12V
35 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$229 Price in €

No info about availability.

5- Channel Analog Oscillator Mix Section With Sub Octaves, Ring Mod, Noise

The Sub Ring is the missing 5-channel analog mixer section of your modular, especially tuned to play well with oscillators. It features a ring mod, 2 sub octaves, and a noise generator. It adds character, volume, and depth to your synth voice. All 5 channels are summed at the ‘Mix’ output and have 1.5X amplification. A mix out and dedicated white noise output are provided. Use the Sub Ring to fatten and add depth to your patches!

Discussion: https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=162641&highlight=

• 6HP
• 100% analog
• Input with gain and bipolar level control
• 2 analog sub octaves derived from input 1 with level control
• Analog white noise with level control and dedicated full-level output
• Ring mod of input 1 x input 3 (or whatever is input into the Ring input) with level control
• DC- coupled to facilitate experimentation with CV signals!
• Inputs 2-4 provide normaling functions to act as mixer inputs

Ø 4.18 (11 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jun 3rd 2016, 23:31 by antimatteraudio | last Change Jan 4th 2019, 19:24 by antimatteraudio

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