16 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
106 mA +12V
6 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

8 step analog sequencer

ROT8 is an 8 step analog CV sequencer with a digital heart. Although it can be used as a very simple sequencer, it holds some tricks up it's sleeves.

It features an analog slew on the output path, CV input for direction and an assignable CV input and an assignable potentiometer for quick parameter editing. CV and the potentiometer can be assigned to: current step, pattern length, gate length, and pause.

There is an option to insert held steps, where the sequencer halts and outputs the same CV and holds the gate open, allowing you to create longer steps.

In tune mode the sequencer stops listening to the clock input and you can select the current step with the step buttons, allowing you to easily tune knobs to the desired level.

5V or 10V output levels are selectable on the back via a jumper.

For more information on features please read the manual.


Ø 4.25 (8 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Aug 15th 2017, 08:50 by briandavism | last Change Jan 2nd 2018, 04:21 by sempervirent

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