20 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
60 mA +12V
50 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$59 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Analog Music Computer for Eurorack

Buchla's legendary 257 and 281 analog synthesizers are considered classics of their genre, implemented in a wide range of musical applications. The Behringer Abacus is modeled after these original instruments, featuring an array of linear, logarithmic and exponential triggered or continuous functions.

Modulate and Push the Tempo
The Abacus can generate musical envelopes or LFO signals up to 25 minutes in length and as fast as 1 kHz. Designed for use with other modules, it also allows you to change the modulation depth, modulate backwards and create even more musical events by manipulating tempo.

Unlimited Creativity
By manipulating the Abacus control knobs, incoming signals can be an amplified, attenuated, integrated or inverted for unlimited creativity. Totally unique and crazy warped effects like lag, slew or portamento can be applied to control voltages perfect for use with a sequencer, or synth keyboard. Up to 4 control voltages can be combined to generate even more complex modulations.

This module is a 1:1 clone of currently available Maths v2 by MakeNoise
* MATHS was inspired by the Serge Dual Universal Slope Generator but clearly not a clone*


Ø 1.54 (199 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 3rd 2023, 14:28 by ThiccMomSwag | last Change Oct 5th, 18:18 by ParanormalPatroler

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Three Wave MusicControl


Found Sound


Moog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?