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Stereo VCA/Ring Mod/Overdrive
Alpha Duo is a stereo precision VCA with ring modulation, overdrive and distortion.
Alpha Duo's VCAs have three modes:
1) Two quadrant, for classic VCA behaviour
2) Four quadrant, where the VCA responds to both positive and negative Gain CVs. This creates a classic ring modulator.
3) In four quadrant separate (4S) mode, each of the two VCA channels is controlled by separate gain CVs, turning Alpha Duo into two independent VCA/ring modulators.
Alpha Duo also features two drive modes.
1) In Drive Mode zero the overdrive circuit is not active, giving a clean signal.
2) Drive Mode One is a tube style soft overdrive. Like a tube, the positive and negative parts of the waveform are distorted differently, producing a pleasing, warm fuzz.
3) Drive Mode Two is a harder clip – more like a transistor amplifier – for a harder edged distortion.
Alpha Duo's signal path is DC coupled, so it's great for processing CVs as well as audio.
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