This Module is currently available.
Phase Modulation Through Zero Wave Folder
CURRENT: +36mA -36mA
Module Requires additional modules to get the best out of it. Minimum 1 VCO with Triangle Waveform.
What does this module do?
This is a West Coast Analog Wave Folder, capable of doing through zero frequency phase modulation using the Phase B audio input.
Input A is the 'Carrier', where the user patches a triangle wave or sine wave.
Input B is the 'Modulator', where the user patches saw, ramp, square, triangle, or a sine wave form. To be specific, Input B is doing Phase Distortion.
It is best to use two independent vco's.
Input A and B have there own internal VCA with CV controls for both. You normally patch an Envelope generator to the CV inputs of these.
You can also manually sweep the inputs to re-create the West Coast Sound.
-14 Stage, 7 pair Wave Folder.
-Discrete OTA design for each Folding Cell.
-VCA input circuit for each input.
-Zero Through Phase Modulation
There is no other Wave Folder quiet like this one. This module easily beats the performance of the wavefolder that came with your expensive
complex dual vco module.
You can easily create Mega Drive FM Big Boss sound effects.
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