This Module is currently available.
Full Analog Voice for Snare Drum
MODEL: BLM GS-SNARE, Gimme Some Snare
WIDTH: 16hp
CURRENT: +107mA,-97mA
Price $245.00
What does this do?
This is a mini analog synthesizer that produces snare drum sounds. Inspiration was taken from the 5U Cor Synth DR02 module. Only the flow chart was studied and used to create this BLM product. VCV Rack was also used to simulate and test the building blocks.
Most of the circuits contained in this product are from other blue lantern module designs.
Some of the building blocks:
-2 1V/Octave Triangle Core VCO's
-2 Sine Wave Shapers
-4 Envelope Generator
-White Noise Generator
-High Pass Filter
-Tone Filter
-2 VCA's
The goal of this module was to recreate some of the more exotic electronic snare sounds.
Your not getting another Roland 'TR' module with the Gimme Some Snare Drum. All the building blocks contain
full analog circuitry, like OTA chips, and Op-amps. No vintage transistor based (Bridge T Oscillator) circuits are used in this product.
The best description I can give you inquiring what the kind of snare drum sounds this module can produce is something comparable to:
an Electribe Korg ER-1, Simmons Snare Drum, and the Mattel Synsonics.
Youtube audio demo:
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