12 HP
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$200 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Loaded with Plaits Firmware

Model: Mycelium Synth Loaded with Plaits Firmware

width: 12hp
Current: 50mA, -5mA

What does this do?
This is a macro oscillator based on the Plaits firmware by Emilie Gillet with a wide variety of digital sound palette.
On this version, the controls where optimized for flat desktop live use. The jacks are on the top, and all potentiometers are metal shaft.


Ø 5.00 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 26th 2019, 17:08 by boyshotel | last Change Mar 21st 2023, 18:08 by CrazyEmperor893

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