10 HP
32 mm deep
Current Draw
70 mA +12V
70 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$215 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Triple Video VCA

the brownshoesonly triple video vca is a 10 hp utility module designed within the voltage standards developed by lzx industries it features 3 individual high bandwidth vcas (video rate, so up to 40Mhz). cascaded jacks provide normalizations of the input signals and control voltage signals.

the module is on a single parallel board making it fit wonderfully in the slimmest of cases. expect a total depth of around 1.25" including the ribbon cable.

currently unverified but the power consumption is estimated around 70ma, well below the lzx recommendation for video synthesis systems of 10ma per hp.


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submitted Nov 9th 2012, 21:22 by brownshoesonly | last Change Dec 5th 2024, 00:15 by traonab

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