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Mutable Braids in 8hp
Braids is a voltage-controlled monophonic digital sound source. It is designed by Émilie Gillet, Mutable instruments under a cc-by-sa 3.0 license. It is a macro-oscillator with multiple intricate digital synthesis algorithms. Each algorithm is controlled by two continuously variable parameters, Timbre and Color, both of them voltage controllable. The original module is available as a 16HP Eurorack module from Mutable Instruments:
uBraids (microBraids) is a full functionality adaptation of Braids to 8HP, which is exactly half the size and features an OLED display. Nothing has been altered component-wise from v5 of Braids. Some ICs were shrunk down to TSSOP packages in order to create space. Any future firmware upgrade on Braids or alternate firmware such as Bees in the Trees should load and work fine with uBraids.
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