12 HP
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$285 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

EuRolz - an interactive CV Modulation Source

EuRolz is based on LabRolz - created by Peter Blasser (ciat-lonbarde) and featured on the Plumbutter, and Plumbutter2.
EuRolz contains 3 CV Out jacks for each of the "Rolz" and 6 CV Input (Verso and Inverso) jacks as well as 3 "Rate" Potentiometer to modulate the Rolz behavior.
Further Modulation can result by inter-patching the 4mm banana jacks on the right side of the panel.
These nodes are sensitive current control points within the astable multivibrators and can start to generate complex rhythmic patterns when patching them together.
These nodes are NOT meant to be patched into your modular system, hence why they are banana format, as opposed to standard 3.5mm jacks.

Each Rolz runs independently from one another until they are cross patched with banana plugs.

5-Rolz in the center section of the module also presents a unique characteristic of freezing, or locking when below a certain voltage threshold (Tempo Knob below mid point - CCW) - this will hold an unpredictable high or low state within the duty cycle.
This can play into sandrodal patching as well. (Brass Nodes)

There is an external instrument Ground Jack - to further modulate your sandrodes (nodes) with ciat-lonbarde gear you must be grounded.

This module was originally created to compliment Ieaskul F. Mobenthey Modules.


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submitted Apr 14th 2021, 17:30 by crucFX | last Change Mar 9th 2022, 02:36 by crucFX

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