13 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Dirt Transmitter

Unlisted Fuzz

Guitar Pedal - Fuzz Driver

NOT AN EURORACK MODULE ! Doesn't fit INSIDE your Eurorack case ! (I use it on front my case, 3U)

Dirt Transmitter™
Fuzz Driver

BEGIN COMMUNIQUE . . . Attn: guitarists of the planet Earth . . . if you need to dirty your signal’s transmission, aim your satellites in the direction of the Dirt Transmitter fuzz driver from EarthQuaker Devices. . . . > . . . The Dirt Transmitter uses rare-Earth precious Silicon metal transistors for a biting top-end response and higher gain than germanium, making it better suited for the modern fuzz tones of today . . . and the future. . . > . . . The “Bias” control starves the transistors of necessary electrical current, resulting in a gated, or “dying battery” sound for space-age Velcro-like fuzz tones. . . . This causes a primitive, sputtering, grimy effect akin to vintage (by Earthling standards) analog synthesizers . . . > . . . Place your puny humanoid hands upon the “Tone” control to alter the high-frequency content and overall harmonic contour of the Dirt Transmitter. . . . Positioned clockwise, you will hear bright, cutting tones which stretch the limits of your earthling ears. . . . Counterclockwise, the Dirt Transmitter emits creamy, mellow tones with singing sustain and a pleasant high-frequency roll-off . . . > . . . The Dirt Transmitter has gobs of gain and a low noise-floor, making it exceptional for stacking with other overdrive and fuzz pedals to boost its broadcast range . . . . > . . . Every Dirt Transmitter is true-bypass, with archaic all-analog circuitry, and built one-at-a-time by a crack team of cryptozoology enthusiasts in the crop circles surrounding Akron, Ohio, USA – THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE . . . >. . . END COMMUNIQUE . . .


submitted Nov 16th 2024, 19:35 by TheFreezeBeats | last Change Nov 20th 2024, 02:06 by TheFreezeBeats
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Control VoltageThree Wave MusicDetroit ModularControlPerfect CircuitNoisebug


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?