14 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
19 mA +12V
26 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$200 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

acquisitio (geomantic toolkit)

Precise voltage controls and VCAs.

The apple tree, a symbol of life, will bestow its lovely fruit: genuine gold apples, marvellous nourishment which conveys knowledge.

acquisitio is designed for the precise voltage control of other modules, in this case targeted at the generation of refined ERD/BREATH and ERD/TOAD control signals.

acquisitio presents four sets of offsets (0-10v) which are combined with four sets of VCA signals and a subtraction signal. acquisitio can also be used as a traditional VCA with offsets and subtraction included, and signals between sections of ERD/TOAD can be passed and processed through acquisitio.


submitted Nov 2nd 2023, 11:56 by micro_research | last Change Nov 2nd 2023, 12:13 by micro_research

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