10 HP
Current Draw
33 mA +12V
26 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$252 Price in €

No info about availability.

Analog hi-hats module

Hi Hats A is a fully analog drum module generating crisp, rattling sounds. Thanks to voltage-controllable tone and decay parameters, creating complex rhythms is easy as pie. The module's repertoire ranges from short, metallic ticks to hard smashing sounds. Closed and open hi-hats can be played independently or exclusively.

Hi Hats A was developed in cooperation with E-Licktronic. The module offers separate trigger inputs for closed and open hi-hat plus a shared accent connector. A Tone potentiometer and the associated CV channel with attenuator also affect both sounds. The decay, on the other hand, can be adjusted individually. In detail, closed and open hi-hat each feature a Decay potentiometer and a CV input plus attenuator. The module’s two outputs are normalized. Thus, both sounds can be fed to other circuits using just one cable. A switch decides whether closed and open hi-hat choke each other (exclusive mode) or not (individual mode).


Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jun 15th 2018, 07:03 by Nait | last Change Dec 13th 2018, 09:48 by willi_werkel

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SynthcubePerfect CircuitNoisebugDetroit ModularControl VoltageControlThree Wave Music


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Found Sound

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