10 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
10 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$100 Price in €

No info about availability.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Sequential Switch CV Generator

Expansion module for the Sequential Switch

Erica Synths SEQUENTIAL SWITCH CV GENERATOR is an expansion module for the Sequential Switch that turns a sequential switch into powerful, feature-rich 8 step sequencer that generates CV and gate signals with all funcionality that Sequntial Switch has - merging, pausing, skipping and manual select of steps, random play, and piano mode. It generates CV for the each step in range from 0 to +5V, the three position range switch allows to select optimal maximum range: 1,3 or 5V.

If you plug some patch cable in any of sequential switch input jacks, CV Generator internal patch is automatically disconnected and it works as conventional Sequential Switch.


Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 27th 2015, 10:33 by EricaSynths | last Change May 27th 2015, 11:24 by EricaSynths

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RhythmiqxNightlife Electronics


Found Sound

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