6 HP
27 mm deep
Current Draw
Module does not draw current
$111 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

-18dB passive low cut

eurorack essentials LOW-CUT is an -18dB passive low cut with fixed frequencies from 20Hz to 160Hz with 8 Inputs and 8 Outputs.

Fixed frequencies:
20Hz *30Hz50Hz *60Hz *72Hz *80Hz *100Hz *160Hz.
All Inputs are chained. Input 1 --> Input 2, Input 2 --> Input 3, .... Input 8 --> Input 1

Just kill / separate some low frequencies on BD, BASS, FM-Sounds, FX SENDS / RETURNS or use LOW-CUT with an Mid-Side module like Worng LRMSMSLR on the side signal --> make MONO to 100Hz for example.

``Work as an stereo filter with fixed frequencies - you will hear a difference!**

Just plug a mono signal into eurorack essentials LOW-CUT input and you will get get a fake-stereo signal cause off the different cutoff frequencies on the left and the right side --> Just plug in 2 cables at the frequencies you like. May us some attenuation or even better a two VCA to get the right stereo impression.
Use a filter on the mono signal and you will get quite interesting results depending on the MONO-FILTER_SETTING (CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY AND RESONANCE), SIGNAL ATTENUATION LEFT + RIGHT AND CHOSEN FIXED LOW-CUT frequencies.

LOW-CUT comes with 3mm aluminium front panel and Befaco Knurlies.


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submitted Dec 2nd 2019, 22:25 by HerbieFletcher | last Change Dec 14th 2019, 01:58 by HerbieFletcher

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