6 HP
33 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$189 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Knob recorder

The FLAME "C-3 MK2" is a three-channel module for recording and playing back movements of controllers.
Those can be recorded with each channel´s individual knob. The movements will be output as control voltages.
The recording time per track is over one minute. The playback speed is adjustable.
All three tracks have a common reset input. The track data remains permanently stored (battery-backed memory).
The module can be globally switched to bipolar or unipolar voltage range (switch on the PCB).

technical details:

  • 3 channels with each one control
  • recording time per control: over one minute
  • adjustable playback speed
  • resolution 12Bit, sampling rate ca. 300 Hz
  • modes: playback one shot or playback loop
  • punch-in record
  • switchable between playback and potentiometer
  • non-volatile battery buffered memory
  • global voltage range setting per jumper to bipolar +/-5v or unipolar 0-10v

inputs and outputs:

  • 3 CV outputs bipolar +/-5v or unipolar 0-10v
  • additional CV input on track 1: bipolar +/-5v or unipolar 0-10v
  • common reset input for all three tracks


Ø 4.67 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 29th 2019, 07:32 by cds | last Change May 28th, 21:34 by fx_berg

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