No info about availability.
ADC Pattern Sequencer
This is basically an 8-step sequencer providing a trigger out, gate out, and an CV out with attenuation. There is also a clock input, a reset input, a manual reset switch, and a manual step switch to control the sequencer. For each step there is a CV control. Very handy, but nothing special so far.
But hey, there is a 3 position switch for each step to control the gate/trigger ouputs. Why 3 positions? ON, OFF, and...errr... ADC. ADC? ADC! This means that each steps gate can be controlled manually (ON/OFF) or by the ADC (analog2digital converter).
The ADC converts an analog voltage into an binary 8-bit pattern, i.e. IIOOIOIO. this pattern is applied to the 8 steps of the sequencer, however, the manual switch overwrites this pattern (i.e. 1st step set to ON, all other steps to ADC). The result: you can select all 256 possible patterns either manually or by an external voltage.
The two LED arrays on the left hand give you an overview: one array tells you at which step the sequencer currently is, and if a gate or trigger is on the output. The 2nd array shows the pattern of the ADC that is currently dialed in, and additionally provides two controlls to show if the incoming control voltage is below 0V or above 5V (the ADC expects control voltages from 0 to 5V).
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?