I found 2259 threads containing IMP in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Manhattan Analog CVP Modules by 1 367
[annonce] Nozori : one hardware, multiple eurorack modules Modules by 1 17
RIT_M Rhythm Sequencer Query Modules by 6 5
Victor? More like "vector"! Modules by 5 170
What’s your favorite envelope generator and VCA module? Modules by 20 1304
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 498
Other/unknown Zerosum Inertia 5823 Noise Sorcerer Modules by 7 620
Manis Iteritas : 11 very cool patches. Modules by 3 86
Nonlinearcircuits Giant B0N0 (Clarke68 panel) Modules by 1 145
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10062
my first minutes spent with Timiszoara Modules by 12 253
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 269
Mescaline modules in rack - any pros? Modules by 8 161
Random*Source Dual Universal Slope Generator SERGE MODULAR DUSG Modules by 4 1142
TipTop Audio - Fold Processor "Inject"-Knob/Rotary produces noise w/o input signal on v... Modules by 5 101
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 719
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Es-8 and iPad Pro audio issues Modules by 6 47
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 659
Doepfer A-118-2 Modules by 3 9715
Vnicursal vs Veils Modules by 6 191
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
Instruō µClouds Modules by 3 181
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 343
Oscilloscope Modules by 5 145
Where's the April 2019 KICK ASS? Modules by 3 92
Where in your rack to you have your SSF Vortices? Modules by 4 106
Qu-Bit Nautilus module First Impression Modules by 2 90
GMSN! PURE ADSR Modules by 5 150
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
Sputnik Modular Preamp/EF Modules by 1 2483
Shakmat Modular Aeolus Seeds Modules by 5 6308
iOS/iPhone Interface? Modules by 3 55
Does anyone make a gated effects send module? Modules by 6 142
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14133
Other/unknown Ethereal Pendulum Modules by 2 102
Behringer MIX Modules by 8 4518
1010 Music Toolbox Modules by 2 78
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 516
Chaos that goes from lfo to audio? Modules by 10 239
Skull & Circuits? Modules by 4 113
Erica Synths Link module, bi-directional? Modules by 3 117
scaling and offsetting 8 -3/+5v cv signals to +/-5v Modules by 5 79
Any feedback or comments on either the Pico OUT or the ALM019 - HPO Modules by 3 75
Make Noise Telharmonic Modules by 13 13454
Behringer 182 sequencer Modules by 5 208
suggestions for a main (brain) sequencer? Modules by 10 286
Schlappi Engineering Black/Silver duplicates - 100 Grit / Angle Grinder / Interstellar ... Modules by 5 5059
New Takaab thing...yeah! Modules by 13 209
ph modular Mixer++ Modules by 4 1855
Other/unknown MOTHERFUCKER-19 Modules by 4 274
Intellijel Triatt Modules by 1 7200
midi to cv eurorack to mu Modules by 7 81
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 970
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5220
Blue Lantern Modules Modules by 13 285
Xaoc Devices Zadar Modules by 12 27599
Klangbau Köln RND Modul Logistische Gleichung Modules by 1 588
Doepfer A-160-2 cst jumpers Modules by 3 82
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 120
Grayscale Music Thing Radio Music Modules by 1 1387
DivKid Ochd Modules by 18 438
Dear Europe: Please take pity on the rest of the World Modules by 7 161
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 14 2561
Multichannel Quantizers Modules by 5 146
The Harvestman Modules by 13 354
Help with Instruō Cèis ADSR unit Modules by 6 97
Alternative to Erica Synths Black Varishape VCO 1? Modules by 2 35
FIL-1 Convulsion Generator Modules by 1 38
Which Quad VCA? Erica Synths Black Quad VCA, Intellijel Quad VCA, MI Veils? Modules by 7 2093
advice on rack :) Modules by 7 195
If analog mono OSC connected to the stereo effec, then sound will be stereo? Modules by 4 71
RYO Penta Modules by 5 1724
Tinrs RectangularThing Modules by 16 695
Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout Modules by 15 2878
Jones - O'Tool vs. Mordax - Data Modules by 6 294
Kudos to XODES... Modules by 7 126
Alfa Delta Dionisi Modules by 4 97
Erica Synths Black Sequencer Modules by 5 442
my most wanted modules right now. Modules by 4 133
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 548
Get ZAQed! Modules by 7 151
Metropolix for acid sequence - accents out ? Modules by 8 320
Seeking a good delay module Modules by 4 168
Modulaire Maritime BLK BLX Modules by 2 2371
Nabla MP7/MiniP7: how not to reissue things Modules by 1 6
Morphagene to replace Echophon? Modules by 5 276
Cre8audio Mr. Phil Ter Modules by 19 2123
ERICA BLACK QUAD VCA - Is bleeding normal? Modules by 13 392
Noise Engineering Lapsus Os (Black) - Alternative Panel Modules by 9 10292
Bought Used Disting EX...V encoder seems bad...advice? Modules by 7 90
Acid Sundays You by 6 119
Erd Worm + X1L3 Persuadatron PLING PLING PLING You by 5 65
Esoteric as... Streaming live. You by 4 50
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 329
Jeweler Cast kit from Shakmat Modular build and demo You by 1 24
Searching For The Frog (demo of ES - Black Dual VCF) You by 6 65
Acid bass jam Mimetic Digitalis and Cursus You this user has left ModularGrid 5 88
Industrial trance jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 108
Stromwerk - Imprisoned Sandgirl You by 1 42