I found 2027 threads containing HoS in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Help with this build Racks by 9 2
dragon sound Racks by 3 31
Hip Hop Eurorack Racks by 6 94
Sonenrack Racks by 4 ..
Drum Rack - As tight as possible.. Racks by 7 15
black & gold future Racks by 2 4
Wich module choose to continue my system? Racks by 2 28
Need help on creating/finishing system Racks by 13 16
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 187
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
Can someone assist me buying a PSU for cv.ocd? Modules by 5 50
Clavioline Emulation Racks by 3 14
Antiprism (formerly tesseract) Racks by 10 928
your top 10 favorite modules & WHY Modules by 2 390
Interesting modules for CV control? Modules by 3 111
Rossum Electro-Music's Control Forge - complex "wavetable like" CV modulation/sequencer... Modules by 1 84
My annoying Eurorack -ultranoob help- Racks by 4 4
First attempt at moving into the modular world, with plans for the future Racks by 2 65
Tone Bender (imaginary sound mangling monster ARP 2600 with attitude) Racks by 2 19
Comments please on first Eurorack Racks by 7 94
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
CSS Fixes for usability ModularGrid by 4 2
First Rack Racks by 4 8
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10
TheDoctor's Simple Starter Ambient Rig Racks by 4 61
An all analog rack Racks by 3 6
Final Patch: Travis Blitzen (Ghost of Lightning), passed away in the Oakland "Ghost Shi... Patches by 1 6
Advice on First Noise Effects Rack Racks by 2 11
a few q's Racks by 1 4
A bit of advice for my first modular! Racks by 1 1
Reggie Racks by 6 4
My DIYish Bläk €Räk Racks by 1 1
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2612
New Eurorack User & Eurorack Build Racks by 1 2
Modest rig v1.2 Racks by 16 13
Where am I going with this? Racks by 9 7
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
Building a Eurorack live rig for signal processing Racks by 4 77
Current Racks by 8 1062
MengQiMusic Voltage Memory Modules by 10 2525
West Oakland Music Systems This is a duplicate. Modules by 2 59
Newcomer to Eurorack. 6u 84hp Racks by 3 10
Ramen Noodles Patches by 1 11
First rack as a sort of compliment/companion to the mother 32 Racks by 8 36
My First EuroHelp Racks by 3 38
Newbie jumping in to plan/ build an 808 drum rack Modular Discussions by 3 4
Opinions on my rack Racks by 1 ..
Advice needed please? Racks by 6 43
Adding a 60hp rack to my mother 32!! Any tips? Anyone doing the same?? Racks by 5 64
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
First Eurorack. Any advice ? Racks by 4 14
your favourite music hosting platform for your own creations Modular Discussions by 6 4
beginners help Modular Discussions by 5 10
Help Constructing a Skiff for live Noise/Ambient Racks by 4 81
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
What is left Racks by 1 ..
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Hexarack Current Racks by 6 18
Functional Fuckery (hopefully) Racks by 21 23
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 540
The Trout Mask Replicant Racks by 3 4
Mixer with effects Racks by 2 ..
Looking for Case Recommendations Modular Discussions by 3 8
Sines and Samples 12U 72hp Racks by 8 10
Noob Waldorf NW1 Rack - suggestions please! Racks by 6 27
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 130
Sirdirtie Racks by 7 4
John Somatix Rack - what next? Racks by 5 4
Dippin My Toe In! Racks by 5 15
Doepfer A-150 Dual VCS Modules by 3 22
What is missing? Racks by 9 31
Ninstrument Tractor Beam 12 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 8 532
Eurorack cover? Modular Discussions by 2 10
Placement no-nos? Modular Discussions by 4 9
Intellijel Quadra, reversing trig/env in/out Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 2 2
WMD Micro Hadron Collider (uHC) Modules by 5 4180
Sequencer? HELP! Modules by 9 147
Dual case? Racks by 1 3
Selling a rack case? ModularGrid by 5 50
1U Tiles Support ModularGrid by 7 74
Starting point 0715 Racks by 2 2
Ambient Rack - Am I Missing Anything Truly Essential? Racks by 5 48
Modular Community, HELP! Modules by 3 2
Help w/sequencer Modular Discussions by 5 14
Modulation. 24th of may, Utrecht the Netherlands, Kytopia Modular Discussions by 1 16
Switch Rack Sort .... ModularGrid by 3 2
Make Noise Erbe-Verb Modules by 5 34
Tennesseean takes techno to towering heights You by 1 5
Starter Rack / Help appreciated Racks by 2 5
My first eurorack Racks by 6 ..
How much is a module on average? Modular Discussions by 5 15
Skimmo's Planned 6U Rig Racks by 1 16
Drumken Racks by 7 8
Posters? ModularGrid by 2 2
The Ambient Rack II Racks by 8 170
My PGH Modular 10.1+ (plans) Racks by 6 3
Pro feedback needed Racks by 39 50
Mutable instruments Bees in the Trees Modules by 14 59
My 2nd Eurorack; Opinions please! Racks by 1 4
Allow Variants Of a Single Rack Rather Than Duplicating Racks ModularGrid by 5 2