I found 2980 threads containing make in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Afterlater NRings v/oct doesnt work with BSP Modules by 10 165
Best modules for random CV generation or "happy accidents"? Modules by 5 865
Other/unknown Super 16 CV / Gate Sequencer Modules by 8 61
Soundforce Dual Filter Modules by 10 265
What next to go with Analogue Solutions Treadstone synth? Modules by 7 120
Grayscale Turing Machine v2 hybrid panel Modules by 3 865
Favorite VCOs for ambient? Modules by 21 2036
Synthesizers.com Quad Switch - Q128 & MOTM 700 Modules by 7 119
Real time sampling and mangling... Modules 14 623
Mutable instruments Blinds Modules by 2 1714
Randomizing Plonk Modules by 1 117
Other/unknown Pyxis Wavetable LFO Modules by 5 104
AMSynths AM8328 The Mirage Filter Modules by 1 326
Make Noise QMMG on Reverb. Modules by 28 465
Doepfer Duplicate Modules by 4 1
Clank Chaos Modules by 3 12631
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2920
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1334
Doepfer A-188-1 BBD Modules by 1 29
Moog Music Inc. Sound Studio 2 - DFAM & Subharmonicon Modules by 4 174
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3314
Audio Out? Modules by 5 328
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Happy Nerding FX AID Modules by 5 358
Make Noise Teleplexer (upside-down) Modules by 17 19
ST Modular LANGE ANNA Modules by 1 2579
Other/unknown CubuSynth Engine Modules by 1 1038
Behringer Brains Modules by 20 13607
Doepfer A-150 Dual VCS Modules by 3 22
Bastl Instruments Quattro Figaro Modules by 1 1857
DIY version of Clouds available Modules by 1 50
VCO module that would compliment Synthtech E352 for Dark Ambient? Modules by 5 144
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10488
Is there a module with multiple outs for tracking drums? Modules by 6 178
Thread title Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 22 1617
Mosaic Quantizer (Black Panel) Modules 6 1824
Bubblesound Instruments HEX vca Modules by 6 892
Help to connect Disting Ex to Tesseract sweet Sixteen with i2c Modules by 3 174
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5952
BNC lamp module Modules by 7 117
Dwarfcraft Devices The Great Destroyer Modules by 2 380
Møffenzeef Mødular Kriket Modules by 1 977
Ladik S-180 discontinued? Modules by 3 8
ALM Busy Circuits ALM017 - Pamela's NEW Workout Modules by 11 72642
Endorphin.es Ground Control Modules by 7 7898
Tensile Tile, a 1u Multi-Function Powerhouse Modules by 1 55
Thoughts on Indian Resonator V4 Modules by 9 207
Erica Synths Pico MODulator Modules by 1 9274
Verbos Complex Oscillator Modules by 4 58
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol II Modules by 3 5145
Industrial Music Electronics Piston Honda Mk III Modules by 6 20234
Choosing a low bass oscillator Modules by 21 480
KICK ASS!!! for April 2018 Modules by 1 55
Resynthesis LiquidHH Modules by 1 25
Cwejman VCO-2RM (better image) DUPLICATE Modules by 4 11
Dual Filters: Bionic Lester MK3 vs. Stereo Dipole Modules 3 188
Other/unknown Quad Envelope Generator Model 280 Modules by 1 51
?Record from Modular into Reaper at a certain BPM,what modules do i need? Modules by 7 94
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794
Make Noise 0-COAST (NAMM 2016) Modules by 3 9
what are some essential utilitie modules? Modules by 10 255
Make Noise Ruina Versio Modules by 1 76
HP+LP filter with a single cutoff-knob Modules by 6 114
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3908
Would anyone recommend the nRings? Modules by 15 610
Make Noise Melotus Versio Modules by 1 96
Faulty DIY module Modules by 4 262
KICK ASS!!! for September 2018. Modules by 1 37
Tapographic Delay Modules 2 59
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 515
Wich envelope gen with accent control? Modules by 4 45
FXAID and FXAID XL : a very nerdy video about all the reverbs. Modules by 1 71
Flame C-3 Knob Recorder Modules by 10 1934
2hp play tips for using your own samples Modules by 13 304
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm (desktop 40hp) Modules by 9 2704
Weston Precision Audio SV1 Dual / Stereo VCA (2025 Panel) Modules by 10 178
WMD Micro Hadron Collider (uHC) Modules by 5 4215
2.4SINK Firmware Upgrades Modules by 1 2412
Fonitronik seq switch Modules by 3 5
Xaoc Devices Timiszoara Modules by 15 21409
Fried a Rebel Technology Στοιχεῖα Modules by 4 13
Disting mk4 Modules by 5 153
Envelope that's like a Juno 6 envelope? Modules by 4 102
Make Noise Telharmonic | 280€ + Shipping Modules by 1 6
Zebra Synth Z209 Dual ADSR Modules by 1 116
WMD Performance mixer also VCA? Modules by 4 593
ALM Busy Circuits ALM019 - HPO Modules by 5 9182
606 Clones? Modules by 5 65
DIY Beginner Modules by 4 71
Bastl Instruments Neo Trinity Modules by 1 3801
Patchbays? Multiple? How to solve this 'problem'? Modules by 5 127
The ... 2500 modules, are they 100% Eurorack compatible? Modules by 9 108
Why people don't like Behringer modules? Modules by 16 1129
Other/unknown 2XPO Modules by 6 35
Other/unknown BOOGERMOD Modules by 2 150
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260
BoredBrain EQ! Help! Modules by 4 99
Doepfer A155 to A154 connecting issues Modules by 7 84
KICK ASS!!! for March 2018 Modules by 1 35
Analogue Solutions HP01 3 Input Mixer / Headphone Pre-Amp Modules by 7 224