I found 4517 threads containing int in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Other/unknown Super 16 CV / Gate Sequencer Modules by 8 61
The Wasp goes hsssssss? Modules by 4 16
Patch #2 Patches by 1 5
Rookie need help Racks by 6 16
Personal trip chamber Racks by 2 13
Looking to build m first modular Racks by 3 20
Intellijel Metropolis Modules by 1 19008
Comments on First-Timer Rack? Racks by 9 27
Planet Munchausen Racks by 1 1
Phase 1A 105 Patches by 1 2
doepfer a-111-5 synth voice / dark energy mod Modules by 1 5
ADDAC System ADDAC702 Modules by 1 2044
First Rack Racks by 2 3
ADDAC System ADDAC601 VC Fixed Filterbank Modules by 3 3753
Disquiet's Current Setup Racks by 3 8
Effects Processor modular build help please Racks by 5 37
Psychedelic sound Racks by 1 1
New Eurorack Critique Racks by 1 5
THROUGH ZERO - what Oscillator? Modular Discussions by 4 162
Modular Drum Rack Construction- Please Advise Racks by 1 6
Music Laptop Racks by 1 13
4 sale Racks by 1 1231
Pulse-Bow-Verbe Patches by 1 2
500 Budget and DIY Racks by 1 6
3 rails Racks by 3 5
First Basic Eurorack Planning Stage Racks by 1 ..
Mutable instruments cvpal Modules by 11 8
Self Contained Polyphonic 6U Racks by 2 9
First Rack, any input is helpful Racks by 1 1
Feels So Right Patches by 1 5
First build. Am I missing something? Racks by 3 3
Building a small mobile rig - thoughts? Racks by 5 6
Intellijel Planar (panel inverted) Modules by 3 8
Wich envelope gen with accent control? Modules by 4 45
Drone Patch #1 Patches by 6 45
trying to add FMR Audio 500 Series modules to the the page Modules by 3 1
Current Rack Racks by 2 ..
troggy mountain breakdown Racks by 1 6
Sequenced Grainular Synthesis w/ Panning Echo and Reverb Patches by 1 5
Sequenced Granular Synthesis w/ Panning Echo and Reverb Patches by 1 5
Patch notes Patches by 1 9
Simple Sampler Patches by 1 17
1.Source 2. Filter Racks by 1 2
Woggle It 2 Patches by 1 4
Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot Modules by 1 6948
hexinverter.net AteOhAte Toms X3 Modules by 1 229
Buchthi Racks by 1 2
Cancel my rating? ModularGrid by 5 31
Starter Eurorack (feedback wanted) Racks by 3 10
Bell / Chime Sound with Intellijel Ringmodulator ? Modules by 5 78
Intellijel Spock Modules by 1 1801
Other/unknown GRP R24 Modules by 3 20
module depth measuring ModularGrid by 5 101
8U [=] 261-259-dly-no254 Racks by 4 11
Canvas Racks by 3 2
Black Hole Racks by 8 16
Do we really need a fourm? ModularGrid by 7 13
Other/unknown Dual LPG Modules by 7 10
Dedicated fx for certain modular systems/synths? Modular Discussions by 6 33
˳̊̊̊̊̊ ˳̥̥̥̥̥̊̊̊̊̊̊̊˳̥̥ ¯̊̊̊̊̊̊̊̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̊ suitcase \\ 150Hp v1 Racks by 4 168
Patch #1 Patches by 1 74
Gezeiten UltimaRatio Modules by 1 ..
Micro Mate Racks by 1 2
Eurorack 2014 Stage-07 (A-100 LCB + LC9) Racks by 4 1
UK Euro Racks by 5 31
LB Studio Digital - Current Racks by 1 ..
Make Noise Teleplexer (upside-down) Modules by 17 19
Pittsburgh Poliphony + Utility Racks by 3 7
Other/unknown MOTM-300 mini v1 Modules by 6 3
Control skiff (96 hp - Cell 48x2) Racks by 1 19
Numerical EURO Brute Modules by 9 177
Gieskes voice rec-1b Modules by 1 500
Hellarack Jr. v2 Racks by 1 10
Mangle Me Elmo! (rack 4 of 4) Racks by 1 5
Thonk 4×4 Mult Circuit Abbey DUPLICATE Modules by 1 1
Intellijel Baby Steps (Prototype) Modules by 1 666
JLR small 5U bottom Racks by 3 6
One80 Racks by 1 ..
HELLO WORLD Racks by 1 16
synthCube Barton Simple Dual Quantizer Clarke Panel Modules by 4 401
Frequency Central System X Amplifier Modules by 3 247
[ Modularsquare ] Drones + Ambient System (6U - Doepfer case) Racks by 2 3
ADDAC System ADDAC210 Open Heart Surgery Modules by 4 1085
L-1 Quad VCA/Mixer Modules by 1 2112
Other/unknown GX1 Bandpass Filter Module Modules by 2 50
Intellijel Archangel System-1 (12U 104HP wide Curved Case Configuration) Racks by 1 10
Enclave Flight 12U Build Racks by 1 219
Other/unknown burninmonk JD Panel Modules by 6 32
Charlene Racks by 5 17
Bungler Racks by 2 7
Planning something Racks by 2 1
In memory of JLH. Racks by 11 14
My ugly Eurorack (early days) Racks by 1 6
Current Demo Rack Racks by 1 ..
Vo1t Euro M Reality Racks by 1 115
Progress Racks by 2 4
DAW controlled vintage lab Racks 0 4
Intellijel Buff Mult Modules by 1 20135
L-1 Tube VCA Modules by 1 2511
Other/unknown Memory Manager Modules by 1 8