I found 545 threads containing A Rack in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
I need a new sound source?! Racks by 8 204
Ambient Generative Rack with Ableton - Need Help! Racks by 11 181
Rack Update and Suggestions? Racks by 11 119
I need advice, recommendations. I'm new to modular. Racks by 3 112
Help Needed - Rackbrute 9-12U (a work in progress) Racks by 16 466
What utility/function modules to get? Help is much appreciated Racks by 9 237
Looking for advice on how to plan my first Eurorack system (techno/drones/percussion) Racks 25 471
Rackbrute 3U on the way...5HP to fill in Racks by 10 166
Beginners eurorack Racks 11 224
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
Advices for finish my first rack Racks by 20 360
Generative Ambient Starter Racks by 9 329
2 Year rack review - let's add more ambient modules Racks 10 435
Opinions? Advice? Suggestions? Racks 5 115
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
New to Eurorack, first build, looking for advice Racks by 8 201
Another First Eurorack Racks by 5 107
DrFear Eurorack Racks by 12 273
My sleeveless Eurorack Racks by 8 522
What would you change/remove/add? Racks by 1 85
Fata Morgana II Racks by 7 172
New to modular... rack advice appreciated! Racks by 27 529
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
Get ideas for first rack, 104hp Racks by 18 452
A generative Rack (104 hp 7u) Racks by 5 245
Rack for kick and bassline Racks by 10 270
Advice for generative ambient rack Racks by 1 96
The Live Performance Case Racks by 9 285
First Rack idea - advice appreciated! Racks by 4 95
6U 126 hp rack, opinion needed Racks by 14 341
Ambient - Almost done... where do I go from here? Racks by 10 298
Rackbrute and rackbrute 6U Racks by 4 133
scaling it back for smaller set up Racks by 14 302
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 567
Newbie Question: current setup & power consumption Racks by 7 186
ALM / Buchla 'groovebox' thing Racks by 1 94
First confident rack idea, open to any criticism as I'm still learning. :-) Racks by 16 482
a better layout Racks by 21 464
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 359
How do you post a picture of a rack? Racks by 3 107
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
Beginner's guitar processing rack, hopes of generative Racks by 5 201
Need Guidance Racks by 6 201
Help in a small Beginner synth setup Racks by 10 444
First Idea Racks by 8 210
Routing help + general advice Racks by 6 124
Starter rack feedback Racks by 6 178
monux crave shoulder rack 001 Racks by 9 158
Opinions on first rack Racks by 11 424
feeback on first rack Racks by 30 666
Help with utilities and fx Racks by 16 419
Rack complete Racks by 11 377
Small groovebox 88 rack Racks by 6 132
Tape Loop Ambience with microphones - First rig - Be gentle... Racks by 6 234
To get me started. Nothing too fancy. Racks by 7 258
So I'm currently ready to pull the trigger on chucking some modules into a niftycase. A... Racks by 8 229
Beginner 6U/104HP rack for techno/EDM Racks by 8 181
First build looking forward to my first Modular system Racks by 1 92
First Attempt Racks by 3 102
Looking for some help Racks by 10 232
Some advice 84hp please Racks by 13 461
Playing around with ideas for a 15u rack - come critique my rack before I start spending! Racks by 13 386
First rack advice needed, I'm overwhelmed. Racks by 10 264
First techno rack Racks by 10 333
Please Critique - Need to know if it works or if i need to improve Racks by 3 252
Feedback for small techno/drum rack Racks by 2 119
Help with fx rack :) Racks by 4 98
Starting out with Eurorack! Pls some feedback :) Racks by 4 135
New euro rack hobbyist looking for feedback on my rack design Racks by 8 267
complete newbie needs help for starter rack Racks by 16 587
First rack design Racks by 7 281
Rack Design Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 98
Need suggestions: a verbal lashing invitation Racks by 4 119
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
ChatGPT generated ambient rack Racks by 4 245
My first rack Racks by 20 366
Newbie, creating a Taiga + DFAM + Quadrantid Swarm rack Racks by 22 504
Rackmount Organizer ?? Racks by 2 46
My 9U 84hp in progress rack Racks by 9 354
FSU Rack — Sample Mangling Racks by 10 214
The Center Racks by 2 122
"IGNORE ME!" - Already changed this rack - Seeking critiques on a rack and looking for ... Racks by 7 243
First setup - opinions would be appreciated Racks by 5 179
Challenge 1 - Build an instrument in a Rackbrute 6U (2 x 89hp) with modules you already... Racks by 1 77
Help to continue my dark ambient rack Racks by 23 679
Eurorack beginner, first ideas for Intellijel 4U 62HP rack Racks by 11 272
Would like advice on a self-contained portable rack Racks by 5 158
Advice Needed for a Travel Rack Racks by 2 111
Mini Brute Expansions Racks by 7 244
2x NiftyCase Build, Help! Racks by 3 88
Advice on newbie techno rack Racks by 18 513
My future debt Racks by 10 1621
Beginning my 1st build...gulp! Racks by 34 827
Rack for generative patches Racks by 15 483
Would this be a good beginner rack? Racks by 4 216
Utilities: what would you throw in there? Racks by 7 160
MOOG + MOOD Minimal Ambient/Noise-House Machine(?) Racks by 11 223
Eurorackmine Racks by 4 148
deadmau5 racks Racks by 4 268