I found 30 threads containing Next? in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Beginning my 1st build...gulp! Racks by 34 827
Jumpskiff 98HP Double Row Racks by 30 1464
Suggestions of where to go next plz Racks by 4 111
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 563
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Best of ModularGrid 2020? You by 47 548
First patch Endorphin.es Shuttle System You this user has left ModularGrid 3 120
Something to consider... Modular Discussions by 5 158
My first Modular - pls help Racks by 15 527
What comes next? updated beginner setup Racks by 2 92
My 1st Rack Racks by 9 229
Expanding on semi-modulars (Neutron/O-Coast) Modular Discussions by 3 81
What is that thing behind you? Racks by 14 338
Need Help... What’s next? Racks by 3 56
First rack, feedback and suggestions appreciated Racks by 14 269
Current setup... where would you go next? Racks by 7 271
Hello Friends!......Sooooo......I already bought 12 modules.....what next? Racks by 7 249
My MonoPoly Eurorack Racks by 5 123
Frames- should it stay or should it go? Racks by 8 31
Noobi Needs to Know What To Do Next? Racks by 2 12
KICK ASS!!! for February 2018 Modules by 2 36
I finally built it! Any opinions or advice? Racks by 21 92
Please Help Brothers and Sisters Racks by 2 ..
Moog, Roland, and Textural sounds in a minimalist modular Racks by 6 24
Just starting, what next? Racks by 1 ..
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
John Somatix Rack - what next? Racks by 5 4
Eurorack System - where to next? Racks by 4 7
Building a small mobile rig - thoughts? Racks by 5 6