I found 17 threads containing Nuit in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Examples for study: monosynths that people will kill you for to this day Modular Discussions by 9 65
So much for that "limited edition"! Modular Discussions 29 345
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 366
Unity mixer to act as OR logic module? Modular Discussions by 6 76
Putting a Mother 32 in a Behringer Eurorack rack video You by 29 335
Blades of Ingenuity module from Frequency Central build and demo video up You by 1 13
The Harvestman Modules by 13 356
RYK M185 - Manual / Firmware update for version 3.31 Modules by 3 164
First Modular Rack Expanding Mother 32 Racks by 9 409
New to Modular, Need some suggestions ! :-P Racks by 6 22
Skiff with B&G Shared System Racks by 3 9
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1475
Building my first modular. Looking for some feedback and any advice Racks by 27 339
Used case power question Racks by 6 95
Another newbie´s first sketch of rack Racks by 12 292
Eurorack Case 3u+1u or 6u? DIY or buy? Racks by 5 182
Rackbrute 3U build Racks by 3 106