I found 52 threads containing Orange in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7857
Studio Electronics Toolbar ModularGrid by 4 18
Behringer ModularGrid by 6 241
What Amplification system is best? Modular Discussions by 5 4
Examples for study: monosynths that people will kill you for to this day Modular Discussions by 9 67
MINIMOD VS ATLANTIS Modular Discussions by 3 33
ACL & Waldorf modules Modular Discussions by 22 210
Looking for patch tips for Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 11 163
Who makes the most beautiful modules? Modular Discussions by 10 203
Ideal placement for new modules in rack Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 7 295
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 151
Plaits Firmware Update Not Worknig Modular Discussions by 2 202
Why do people have an obsession with Black panels? Modular Discussions by 22 892
New to modular want one that played automatically Modular Discussions by 2 105
An absolute beginner's question concerning cables and VC AC in's and out's You by 3 66
Juniper - Lo-Fi Improv You by 12 124
A first impression on the Blue Marvin You by 15 246
Decoherence // With Patch Notes: øchd, Plaits, Mother 32, Circuit Bent VCO, BeatStep Pr... You by 1 39
DFAM and Tesla Coil Jam with BeatStep Pro Roller Pad and a Delay Pedal [with Patch Notes] You by 2 57
90's video game inspired Eurorack jam (Hermod+ STO MCO Plaits DFAM M-32) You by 3 69
ALM Busy Circuits ALM011 - Akemie's Castle Modules 5 7258
The Harvestman Modules by 13 358
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1342
Mutable instruments Plaits Modules by 21 23776
Intellijel μVCA II Modules by 3 3183
Trade Racks by 1 8
Orange & Arge Racks by 1 3
Reggie Racks by 6 4
The Tiptop Mantis or the 6U Rackbrute? Racks by 10 2094
What is that thing behind you? Racks by 14 338
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 559
First Rack Plan Racks by 13 165
Palette for extra modulation/logic Racks by 13 282
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
My first Modular - pls help Racks by 15 527
Beginner need helps! Racks by 28 736
Does this make sense for a Palette 62 ? Racks by 16 411
Modular madness aka yet another noobie rack idea Racks by 16 313
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
Big Orange Terror Feb 2023 Racks by 1 94
First Rack. Need Thoughts and Advice Racks by 8 159
BOC-y resonator patch Patches by 1 9
Tempi Patch: 4 Channels into Planar 2 Patches by 3 20
Tempi Simple Patch @ Audio Rate Patches by 3 14
Tempi Last Day Short Techno Test Patches by 5 18
Lucid Synthetic Dharma Patches by 5 36
H8 Quantizer 2 Patches by 5 36
Patch #1 Patches by 4 22
Family Day v1 Patches by 6 33
Giant Steps Patches by 6 106
Audition Patch Patches by 1 52
Two Squares with Delay Patches by 1 72