I found 32 threads containing Rise and fall in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Krell Patch help Patches by 5 103
Space Birds Patches by 1 45
Nerdseq accompaniment Racks by 7 178
Random*Source Dual Universal Slope Generator SERGE MODULAR DUSG Modules by 4 1347
Utilities Topic Modular Discussions by 9 281
Thoughts on upcoming Tiptop Buchla releases vs. existing modules ModularGrid by 6 168
How to assign E352 and plaits to beatstep pro Modular Discussions by 15 259
used parts Racks by 5 179
Seeking feedback for a 9u semi-generative system - second try Racks by 7 330
Pitch cv as a gate trigger? Modular Discussions by 15 825
Please help with some patches for Dreadbox/Pittsburgh build Patches by 13 194
Feedback on first rack to compliment Digitakt/Digitone and 0-Coast? Racks 52 965
How to: unison detune with spread? Modules by 16 408
Trim Trigger | Gate to Trigger | Kickall Modules by 3 68
Krell patch: Turbidity Patches by 8 203
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Do I need maths? Racks by 19 1406
Jumped from a 12u 126hp MDLR case to a 15 u 197hp ADDAC case and a bit overwhelmed. Racks by 5 219
Too many LFO's? Modular Discussions by 8 338
Replace pots Make Noise Maths ModularGrid by 43 842
Tutorials on the Doepfer A-147-2 VCDLFO and A-171-2 VCS modules Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 4 128
Korg sq-1 "controlling" synth tech E352?New to modular,need tips:) Modular Discussions by 3 59
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
Eurorack companion for Neutron Racks by 9 443
MyCase Racks by 11 275
New to modular? Maybe this can be a beacon? Modular Discussions by 12 497
Rhythmic and melodic rack, what do you think? Racks by 14 407
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1038
Distinguish Left from Right Patches by 4 1
PLEASE HELP ME! Racks by 6 49
Simple Subtractive Voice Patches by 1 3
First Eurorack. Any advice ? Racks by 4 14