I found 123 threads containing Sexy in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
First of his name Racks by 5 162
Help for choosing the next set of modules (Ambient/Generative) Racks by 4 401
Generative help Racks by 12 658
Need your advice, absolutely new to Eurorack! Racks by 7 160
MyStarterKit - What have I missed? Racks by 6 93
Too heavy on the oscillators? Racks by 11 169
Learning Modular, love an opinion Racks by 5 91
KICK ASS!!! for October 2018. Modules by 1 31
Ambient rack, 1st attempt almost happy and ready to start patching! Racks by 11 292
KICK ASS!!! for February 2018 Modules by 2 36
MINIMOD VS ATLANTIS Modular Discussions by 3 33
Rein my beginner's plan in Racks by 2 4
"Top Bunk" for a Moog rack. Racks by 4 31
my first eurorack idea Racks by 6 58
Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 3
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
Please judge my rack Racks by 4 23
Can someone please guide me.... good start? What am I missing?? Racks by 2 5
Feedback Please on Craig's Rack Racks by 7 10
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
Doepfer A-150 Dual VCS Modules by 3 22
Bastl Instruments Little Nerd Modules by 1 2426