I found 360 threads containing movin in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26966
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2362
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 12 502
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 15 2921
Pittsburgh Structure 344 Racks by 2 51
Tiptop Mantis 1 Racks by 2 103
Need a little direction and advice on my rack Racks by 6 96
Building an ALM only small Rack Racks by 13 108
Live jam starting with trippy downtempo moving into minimal techno You by 3 48
THE REPLACEMENT Racks by 1 156
VCV Rack addict wants to go hardware Racks by 10 295
Advice on a first rack Racks by 10 301
Downsizing... Racks by 6 151
Looking for suggestions for a mixer/vca module for 6 sound-sources. Racks by 11 315
Little Effects Box goes 84hp Skiff V1 Racks by 22 627
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 554
EM-tous Racks by 1 84
32hp for controller, effect or utility? Racks by 6 162
Roast my rack Racks by 12 338
My version of a versatile Rackbrute build - an anecdote for beginners. Racks by 1 130
Another feedback/recommendation post Racks by 12 288
ModularGrid is moving to a new server ModularGrid by 8 220
Traveling without Moving Patches by 4 64
DIY Berlin School oriented Eurorack Racks by 5 220
Questions about module placement (1st rig) Racks by 10 266
Newbie needing opinions - beginning the eurorack journey Racks by 4 180
Thouhgts on this? Racks by 8 326
2024 Shuffle Racks by 5 182
Nerdseq accompaniment Racks by 7 178
New rack advice Racks by 4 226
My new tower of power. suggestions encouraged Racks by 3 179
A couple of cases for sale, have had modules installed but unused. Modular Discussions by 3 170
Monodux 55/2500 Shared System Racks by 2 150
Is this an information site? ModularGrid by 15 563
Dear god, is my rack almost complete?! 36 hp of luxury space available! Help me fill it! Racks by 11 493
60hp Rack Feedback and Advice Racks by 4 137
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 729
Problem moving 2 and 4 hp modules in modulargrid grid ModularGrid by 8 148
Rack to compliment melodic electronic music Racks by 6 200
Minimal monophonic techno basslines (62hp) Racks by 12 306
First rack almost complete Racks by 4 243
I bought a 42ru rack for my modular setup Modular Discussions by 8 202
Expanding my minibrute 2s sound Racks by 16 318
Rack for generative patches Racks by 15 483
Greetings and Opinions! Racks by 15 220
Utilities: what would you throw in there? Racks by 7 160
Workflow big / small racks Racks by 31 507
Jumpskiff 98HP Double Row Racks by 30 1462
moving entire rows ModularGrid by 2 53
Stack cases ? Racks by 7 179
Reasons for setting ALL racks to private ModularGrid by 17 590
Ok I'm doing the I'm new thing. Racks by 4 153
Black System III mod Racks by 4 88
Grandmother's side piece Racks by 7 282
Designing my first eurorack setup in a Caixa 104! Feedback? Racks by 9 425
First Rack - Ambient / Slow / Self-Contained Racks by 6 313
Sanity check my upgrade - moving towards generative Racks by 2 87
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
Other/unknown ISHIZENO ONE Modules by 8 447
First EP made on modular You by 6 121
Need suggestions: a verbal lashing invitation Racks by 4 119
Starter Rack Help Racks by 6 134
Prototype Racks by 6 961
How long do you normally keep your patches for, and how do you know you're ready to mov... Modular Discussions by 19 492
MY FIRST RACK - 14U 126HP Racks by 9 464
Playing around with ideas for a 15u rack - come critique my rack before I start spending! Racks by 13 386
Record synth session ... USB mixer or sound card? Modular Discussions by 2 41
Slack-A-Rack - a Cre8audio bundle build for electro and ambient sounds Racks by 5 105
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 980
Seeking Guidance/Approval/Criticism :: 62HP (4U) Rookie Setup Racks by 27 922
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
Moving from semi-modular to Eurorack modular, would appreciate review and suggestions. Racks by 6 271
Ambient - Intellijel 7U Performance Case 104 HP + 4ms Pod64X Racks by 1 136
Faith One v14 - 24sep22 Racks by 1 39
Roland 510 Help Modules by 5 59
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
Power problem with my current setup using the TipTop uZeus : 104 eurorack (current) Racks by 4 108
If I had a makenoise case Racks by 6 185
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 327
Rack complete Racks by 11 377
feeback on first rack Racks by 30 666
Fun ideas for rounding out a 18U system? Racks by 3 86
your ideas on this rack update? Racks by 7 189
Moving rows around? ModularGrid by 5 174
_ExperimentalFXNoisebox Racks by 12 223
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 386
Multi effects recommendations? Modules by 18 1257
Lead And Bassline == Two Arpitechts?? Racks by 26 534
Looking for feedback on 252 HP rack Racks by 4 115
Eurorack Sampler Modules by 8 188
Not exactly modular, but hey... Modular Discussions by 5 137
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
Thoughts? Racks by 6 150
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
a better layout Racks by 21 464
Best utilities for N00Bs? Modules by 28 786
First Foray into Modular -- Flexible Drone Box Racks by 3 103
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260