I found 45 threads containing Haves in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2356
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
VCA/Envelope Help Modular Discussions by 7 88
Mid/Side processing in modular Modular Discussions by 11 548
Not exactly modular, but hey... Modular Discussions by 5 137
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 431
A Ciat-Lonbarde noodle You by 10 127
Two59 VCO from Feedback Modules build and demo video up You by 5 53
Gezeiten Ultima Ratio Modules by 1 290
Best modules for random CV generation or "happy accidents"? Modules by 5 865
does 2X amped buffered mult exist? Modules by 5 64
Audio Out? Modules by 5 328
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794
Difference in Intellijel Shapeshifters? Modules by 4 141
Help with Instruō Cèis ADSR unit Modules by 6 98
Needing help with my first module Modules by 17 615
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260
NE Viol Ruina question (maybe obvious) Modules by 2 64
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
My jointed Eurorack Racks by 3 14
Noob, advice needed on first polyphonic wavetable rack Racks by 8 47
Rackbrute ac leakage Racks by 9 543
Small Rack for Effects and Modulation Racks by 3 120
First semi-modular synth suggestion Racks by 8 220
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 995
Stand Alone or with Ableton Racks by 8 180
Eurorack companion for Neutron Racks by 9 443
Opinions/Feedback/Suggestions Racks by 3 78
Starting a rack, feedback and suggestions appreciated! Racks by 6 216
My 1st Rack Racks by 9 229
Help on building my rack please? Racks by 10 309
my first rack and i need your help! Racks by 3 113
Utility Rack for Semimodulars Racks by 5 121
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
Low cost modular - under $400? Racks by 25 516
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
Another First Eurorack Racks by 5 107
My First Rack Racks by 7 277
Newbie looking for 60 hp advice Racks by 10 232
a better layout Racks by 21 464
The plan Racks by 6 238
Drum box or... this? Racks by 22 531
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687