I found 30 threads containing 2r in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
I See Clouds Patches by 3 66
Pitches (notes octaves) too high, generative/random Patches by 9 136
River Rings Patches by 4 25
Collide 4 Racks by 3 93
Populating my 6U 88HP Eurorack Racks by 25 773
James Blake - Playing Robots Into Heaven Racks by 5 340
Routing help + general advice Racks by 6 124
I need advice, recommendations. I'm new to modular. Racks by 3 112
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist (Variation on output and vca(s)) Racks by 11 290
Saint Mod 54*2 Racks this user has left ModularGrid 10 146
Need a bit of help with my current rack..(prob need more modulation) Racks by 9 170
Make Noise 7U case Racks by 1 64
Buchla Racks by 1 16
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
mnemonic devices Gin Modules by 2 184
Mutable Plaits Cheatsheet v1.2 Modules by 5 319
mnemonic devices Juniper Modules by 5 3251
Flame 🔥 FIRE 8 voice drum module Modules by 1 884
Flame 🔥 FIRE 8 voice drum module Modules by 4 961
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
Modular synthesizer research Modules by 7 110
Cwejman VCO-2RM (better image) DUPLICATE Modules by 4 11
Ambient Techno with 7 melodic oscilators! You by 2 53
Allemande (Disting EX's Poly Wavetable) You by 5 86
My debut album On Out Into is available now! You by 2 35
Inner // Minimal melodic techno You by 2 20
Evening Experiment: RND STEP S&H You by 1 29
Saint-saens ‘The swan’ - rings, plaits, hermod, clouds You by 2 16
I bought a 42ru rack for my modular setup Modular Discussions by 8 202
Best studio desks, monitors and sound acoustic treatment packages for modular gear? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 296