I found 30 threads containing Buchla A in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Maths Goes Cuckoo! Patches by 7 156
Ok I'm doing the I'm new thing. Racks by 4 153
Starter Rack Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 2 198
My wish list Eurorack Racks by 5 289
My Eurorack (copy) (copy) Racks by 2 158
Rethinking Rackbrute 3U build... Racks by 15 267
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
Buchla System 100 Red Panel Racks by 5 185
My Next Rack Racks by 30 684
How would you organise this? Racks by 19 297
West Coast Drum Machine Concept Racks by 5 147
Mental Experimental - poor man's buchla. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 175
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
My Tiptop Audio Mantis Racks by 4 139
Behringer Swords Modules by 9 1824
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1467
what's so special about triangle core oscillators? Modules by 3 620
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5974
A darker space You by 9 101
Modular Impersonates Buchla Modular Discussions by 7 134
Sequencer search, with repeat option Modular Discussions 78 1463
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 67
West Coast Industrial Setup like NIN Modular Discussions by 5 87
Prepackaged systems versus assemble your own? Modular Discussions by 22 154
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1039
Bulcha vs euro ModularGrid by 2 46
Rename Serge universe to 4U? ModularGrid by 9 85
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836