I found 739 threads containing SF in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 162
Roast my rack Racks by 17 236
6U 84 HP Eurorack Racks by 15 582
Pallete case build / Many questions Racks by 7 288
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
First Deterministic Eurorack Build / Need Fool Proofing and Advice (noob) :) Racks by 2 105
Another Newbie Looking For Advice Racks by 16 269
Lunchbox for bugging out Racks by 2 61
First compact and good quality modular system Racks by 8 209
Petite sampling rack advice? Racks by 7 159
Any glaring holes? Feedback appreciated Racks by 11 208
Why your 6U x 84 generative rig won't work Racks by 22 906
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1481
First Rack Racks by 4 48
"IntelliSauce" (with Motu 8A and a few semi-modulars) Racks by 11 214
Spend! More! Money! Racks by 4 84
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 995
Plaits complement Racks by 2 120
Make noise 0 coast paired with modular Racks by 2 91
First semi-modular synth suggestion Racks by 8 221
How would you use this 18hp ?! Racks by 6 142
Missing modules? asking for suggestion Racks by 8 367
Looking for a Random Source Racks by 13 397
First rack completed! Racks by 7 190
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Need your advice with the crispy and raw techno style rack Racks by 9 787
Guitar Eurorack project Racks by 15 534
Live Setup for Technoid sounds as well as sonic exploration... Racks by 3 63
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
Small system to be sequenced by Ableton Live Racks by 21 806
˳̊̊̊̊̊ ˳̥̥̥̥̥̊̊̊̊̊̊̊˳̥̥ ¯̊̊̊̊̊̊̊̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̊ ͓̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋... Racks by 4 593
First of his name Racks by 5 162
6u 104hp System Racks by 6 355
Generative help Racks by 12 658
Make noise Racks by 1 564
Current Rack Racks by 3 124
Analog 4OP FM - Concept Racks by 5 108
Expanding the minibrute 2s Racks by 16 1017
Not enough VCA ? Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 185
My first rack Racks by 2 212
I am a complete modular beginner trying to create a budget randomized ambient synth. Pl... Racks by 10 941
phanta Racks by 8 360
Rack overhaul, opinions? Racks by 6 60
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
idea for ambient rack Racks by 45 1182
104hp 7u live system - how's my research coming along? Racks by 12 742
The Real Dulper - 6U & 3U Extensions for Minibrute 2S Racks by 14 366
Surgeon live @ Elevator Sound - 2017 w/BSP Racks by 5 601
Needing a lot of advice :) Racks by 7 126
Beginner's Generative West Coast Performance Rack? Racks by 11 451
First Eurorack V1 Racks by 4 16
And.. I’m done! Racks by 8 12
Advice please on a first rack Racks by 8 20
What would you fill this 20hp with? Racks by 2 6
Mental Experimental - poor man's buchla. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 175
Moog, Roland, and Textural sounds in a minimalist modular Racks by 6 24
Make noise 7U Stereo VoxBox Racks by 9 154
The rack to end all racks. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 57
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
New Modular User Racks by 7 14
Any advise? Racks by 4 25
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
First modular Racks by 12 230
Home Stretch First Rack Racks by 4 9
Buchla by Doepfer? Racks by 1 273
My Ultimate Eurorack Racks by 3 8
Starting off a new bad habit Racks by 10 44
Small synth/first time Racks by 7 12
Looking to design a simple sound design Eurorack row Racks by 3 107
Please judge my rack Racks by 4 23
Suggestions and help with my sound design rack Racks by 3 583
First rack - major help needed! Racks by 8 22
My manly asf pedalbboard Racks by 2 1
Small Rack Built Around Pittsburgh Modular SV-1 Racks by 1 20
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Hip Hop Eurorack Racks by 6 94
Noise Oddity Racks by 1 11
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 188
How to improve this rack? Racks by 16 32
for mutable public viewing Racks by 1 1
Nostalgia for Infinity (copy) Racks by 1 15
Sampling and sound design modular-Hints? Racks by 2 8
Where am I going with this? Racks by 9 7
Here's what I built, what would you do with it? Racks by 1 5
gia prosfora (copy) Racks by 1 ..
Archive // The Park // https://youtu.be/qV1XSF1bTRk Racks by 1 41
Javier Plano Video Synth Racks by 7 11
Oubliette (monome expander) Racks by 1 4
What I have so far Racks by 4 11
Antiprism (formerly tesseract) Racks by 10 930
My Ritack Racks by 1 ..
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
VCL Monthly Starter EuroRack Racks by 7 38
Oubliette (copy) Racks by 1 ..
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 131
First Rack... Please help :) Racks by 2 1
Parasite's last 18HP Racks by 2 8
noise sidecar Racks by 2 6
Hexarack Current Racks by 6 18