I found 79 threads containing racked in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Patch #1 Patches by 3 33
Home Improvement (Application) Patches by 3 19
Home Improvement (Improved) Patches by 3 38
Trying to make something versatile but small as a starter modular. Effects will be take... Racks by 21 248
VCV Rack addict wants to go hardware Racks by 10 296
lo0king to make a drone system in 84HP? Racks by 7 182
The People's Tank Racks by 2 58
Molten Son (104hp 10u) (current) (copy) Racks by 1 73
complete newbie needs help for starter rack Racks by 16 587
Polyphony Racks by 3 68
If I had a makenoise case Racks by 6 185
your ideas on this rack update? Racks by 7 189
Assistance with Rack Build (Intellijel 7U) / Returning to Modular after many years Racks by 22 389
Make a 104hp 4U Rack from my Leftovers Racks by 8 280
Newbie Question: current setup & power consumption Racks by 7 186
RECVLVM 2022 Racks by 1 63
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
Let's Give it a Go Racks by 12 1461
19" 3u into eurorack case Racks by 4 108
Do I need maths? Racks by 19 1412
I would like some feedback on my build. The help would be greatly appreciated :3 Racks by 7 226
Enough utilities? Racks by 8 201
First Rack Plan Racks by 13 165
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
Mine Racks by 3 78
Micro Generative System Racks by 12 193
My test rack 1 Racks by 12 257
Help on building my rack please? Racks by 10 309
First modular build - comments & criticism Racks by 10 305
NerdSeq 1 Stripped Racks by 1 95
ALT RACKED MODULES 09 Racks by 1 17
Beginner Polyphonic Eurorack Racks by 14 958
Just had one of those moments Racks by 4 164
Korg ms20 Racks by 22 467
WTFLOL Racks by 5 134
A-100P9 Concept 1 Racks by 7 191
Audiovisual trio Racks by 1 8
Audiovisual trio Racks by 1 29
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
Favorite Modules for Matriarch Modules by 5 68
DivKid ochd Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 19 13375
Neutron in eurorack noobery. Modules by 4 114
Filter candidates: Joranalogue Filter 8, Qpas, SSL Stereo Dipole Modules by 7 566
New Mutable Instruments Clouds, er... Beads Modules by 17 333
Endorphin.es Ground Control Modules by 7 7929
Eurorack Tuners? Why so meh? Modules by 11 102
Synthesis Technology E330 Multimode VCO Modules by 3 3826
Synthesis Technology E350 Morphing Terrarium Modules by 7 9392
Synthesis Technology E560 Deflector Shield Modules by 4 9412
Rusty Strings - A Eurorack Rock Track? You by 6 114
Forget About the Sea You by 5 70
Double Knot, Plumbutter, Board Chirper - more dorking around You by 9 83
A bit of acid and lots of hand modulation You by 5 70
Sunday Coco and Monday Saxomophone You by 10 71
BIA, Quad Operator, PEAK You by 6 62
Quad Operator Jam You by 1 20
New Toys Jam You by 3 38
2hp and bananas You by 8 68
One more techno track You by 8 95
A Ciat-Lonbarde noodle You by 10 127
First attempt at Maths You by 1 3
Two important questions. Should I do it? And what should I get? Modular Discussions by 7 149
modular generative / control schemes and DAW equivalents Modular Discussions by 1 129
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1159
FX thread Modular Discussions by 15 217
Oh, wow! I can haz 2600... Modular Discussions by 17 235
easiest way to send a Eurorack to DAW? Modular Discussions by 11 519
Recommendation for sequencer and clock Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 568
Is the Behringer K-2 Eurorack-compatible? Modular Discussions by 21 744
Sound quality and recording Modular Discussions by 9 248
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20
Moog M32 Three Tier Rack Case? Modular Discussions by 4 157
see which m0dules from my modules are in use in other racks ModularGrid by 4 164
UK Option in Marketplace ModularGrid by 26 295
Modular: do you need it? Really? ModularGrid by 8 534
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7280
New option, 19" racks! ModularGrid by 6 270
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26978