16 HP
18 mm deep

Module is a 1U tile in Intellijel format

Current Draw
50 mA +12V
50 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$122 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Clock Divider and Sub-Oscillator with Logic AND Gate

Clock Divider and Sub-Oscillator as 1U Tile (Intellijel format)
-Based on CGS36 by Ken Stone

-Reversible FR4 panel.
-Panel printed on both sides.
-LED colours available: red or green

Seven Pulse-Outputs with divisions between 2 and 8 (Clock/2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7 and /8) and Reset-Input.
Logic AND-Gate with two Inputs (Output normalled to Reset-Input).
Create poly-rhythms and unusual sequences using the Reset-Input with or without the AND. It can also be run at audio frequencies as a sub-oscillator/sub harmonic generator. Feed some of the outputs to a mixer or filter

Examples to use the logical AND:
- Inputs: Clock and Gate
- Output: gated Clock, could be patched to Clock input
While Gate is high, the clock divider is running at clock speed. Or at audio frequency, the sound can be heard (simple VCA/Gate). The Reset input is normalised to the AND output, this must be reconnected to an even divisor (e.g. /8).
Example A

- Inputs: two different dividers
- Output: new divider with divison Clock/n [n = AND input 1 * AND input 2]
Since the Reset input is normalised to the AND output, this must be reconnected to an even divisor (e.g. /8). However, other divisor ratios or LFO can be connected to the Reset for more chaos.
Example B


submitted Dec 13th 2020, 14:40 by FPB_Chris | last Change Sep 11th 2023, 18:54 by FPB_Chris

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